Spring Course 2019

Another great course with Sugasawa Sensei and senior Shikukai instructors in Portland. Congratulations to Andrea for achieving a well-deserved 5th Kyu and to Tom who, despite his injury before completing the grading,  demonstrated sufficient progress and understanding of Wado to be awarded his 1st Kyu – the long haul towards 1st Dan begins now!

Course & Grading March 2018

We are very grateful to Steve and Pam Rawson Sensei who attended the club on 25 March for some great training. Emphasis was placed on correct body alignment to provide a firm foundation for all movement and techniques and the use of sanmi ittai in kumite was explored through pair work. Some fun kick drills to ensure good technique were enjoyed by all. A grading followed the course in which all those participating were successful.

Well done to all my students for their continuing enthusiasm and commitment which was remarked on by both sensei.

Spring 2017 Grading Success

Brian, 4th Kyu (3rd green belt)

Stuart, 5th Kyu (2nd green belt)

Andrea, 7th Kyu (orange belt)

Charlie, 6th Kyu (1st green belt)

Autumn 2016 Grading Success

Charlie, 9th Kyu (red belt)

Beth, 7th Kyu (orange belt)

Tom, 3rd Kyu (1st brown belt)

Shikukai Championships 2016

Beth, 1st in category for Kata

Lewis, 3rd in category for Kata